About Me
Why did I chose this path? How have my experiences and passions guided me to where I am Today?

From the earliest days of my childhood on our family farm/ranch, life was about nurturing and being nurtured by the land. Amidst the daily routines of feeding animals, tending to gardens with my grandma, and harvesting apples with my family, I learned the values of hard work, patience, and the interconnectedness of nature. These experiences laid the foundational stones of who I am today, but my journey wasn't without its trials.
At the tender age of six, I faced a profound loss when my father passed away from cancer. This event steered me into a maelstrom of self-sabotage and a pervasive negative narrative that shadowed my childhood. Seeking solace, I found refuge in music, joining the school band and embracing the cathartic power of playing multiple instruments. This escape was vital, a light in the darkness during my formative years.
As I entered high school, my horizon expanded to include the culinary arts. The art of cooking, especially with ingredients that were home-grown, sparked a passion in me. This passion was not just about the act of cooking but was deeply rooted in the appreciation for healthy, nourishing meals that were a product of one's own land and effort.During these years of exploration and growth, I encountered plant medicine—specifically, Psilocybin mushrooms. That first experience was nothing short of transformative. It illuminated the deep-seated pain and sorrow from my childhood, aspects of my past that I was previously unaware of how to confront or heal. Plant medicine served as a guiding hand, revealing paths towards a fulfilled life that I had not seen before.
After high school, I delved deeper into gardening and mycology, fostering a profound understanding of sustainability and professionalism in these practices. My self-directed journey with plant medicine continued for years, each step bringing me closer to a deeper understanding of healing and personal growth.
This path led me to the Blue Morpho Academy, an ayahuasca retreat center spearheaded by Maestro Hamilton Souther. The certification and teachings I received there were pivotal, not only in my personal healing journey but in shaping my professional path.
Today, I dedicate my life to assisting others through their own traumas, guiding them towards making meaningful changes in themselves and their surroundings. My focus lies in Plant medicine, sustainable agriculture and teaching how to grow your own medicine, empowering my clients to embrace self-sufficiency. Through this work, I strive to share the lessons of resilience, connection, and growth that have been so vital to my own story.Join me in this journey of healing, sustainability, and empowerment.

Certified Blue Morpho Academy, Sitter and Coach.

My Service

I offer a wide variety of services. Included but not limited to, 1 on 1 Coaching for plant medicine initiation, Nutrition, and integrative techniques.   A webstore with offerings of Home grown organic herbs, Supplements, and Shamanic tools to aid in your journey.
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